For Public, single-day Course Offerings, you can easily have the details of the Offering (instructor, location, price, time, etc.) copied and scheduled for up to 10 new dates. To do so, select the gear icon beside the Course you would like to reproduce, and choose “Duplicate Offering”:

You will be presented with the details of the Offering you want to duplicate, and a calendar from which you can choose up to 10 new dates for the Offering to be scheduled for:

Select the dates you would like, then choose “Create Duplicates” to save your work.

Both Active and Completed Offerings can be duplicated. Completed Offerings will be set as Active when they are copied.


Only the Offering details are duplicated. Any Learners registered will not be copied.


Edits to the Offerings will need to be made individually, after the Offerings have been duplicated.